Articles & Lectures
By Dr. Randy Woodley
The Fullness Thereof
Read Randy’s guest article in Sojourner’s Magazine on how Western worldviews have other related assumptions—such as hierarchy, extrinsic categorization, individualism, patriarchy, utopianism, racism, triumphalism, religious intolerance, greed, and anthropocentrism.
All of our lenses have various perspectival tints, but Western worldviews seem to have several in common, including the foundational influence of Platonic dualism, inherited from the Greeks. This particular influence absolutizes the realm of the abstract (spirit, soul, mind) and reduces the importance of the concrete realm (earth, body, material), disengaging them from one another. In dualistic thinking, we are no longer an existing whole.
Creative Justice Webinar
A Webinar hosted by Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, listen to the conversation of how caring for creation intersects with racial justice and the health of the soil, water and air. This work looks unique in different parts of the state based on the people who live there, ways the land has been used, and species and landscape elements present in each region.

Indigenizing Theology
A conversation on Indigenizing Theology with Dr. Randy Woodley (Keetoowah Cherokee) Co-Creator and Co-Sustainer of Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice and Erna Kim Hackett Founder of Liberated Together.
Racism, Land Tenure and Climate Change: Welcome to the Euro-Patricene
Listen to Dr. Randy Woodley’s keynote lecture on climate change, racism, and land tenure. The Central Pacific Conference, UCC a community of 47 congregations in Oregon, southern Idaho and southern Washington is a multiracial and multicultural community that hosted the conference.

Indigenizing Worldviews:
A Native Vision for Earthkeeping
In this episode of Circlewood’s Earthkeepers podcast, Rev. Dr. Randy Woodley— focuses on a Native theology of land and environment. Listen in on the discussion to understand the Western world’s desperate need for new ways of being in and with creation.
Christianity and Colonization, Shalom and Indigenous Jesus
Join Randy Woodley on his interview with Jesus Radicals discussing the journey of decolonization and the work and wrestle we all face when incorporating our new knowledge into our daily lives. His wisdom of Shalom and hope for the future makes this an educational and hopeful read.